

A quick post about some new stuff I've bought because I have nothing else to blog about surprise surprise

the GazettE is seriously the only band in the world from which I buy albums/dvds and such. Decided to add these babies into my collection.

Tokyo Dome live DVD and TOXIC

I also finally got my pair of pink Dr.Martneses!! I've drooled over these for at least a year and now they are mine ♥

Latest get is two pair of circle lenses from Pinky Paradise. My brown lenses had got old and I've lost my violet ones (don't ask how, I don't even know) so I really needed new ones, and because you can get quality lenses from Pinky Paradise for about 20e/pair I decided to buy two pairs.

Brown lenses are very basic must-have, and I wanted to try something new and bought pair of blue lenses. Both lenses are 15mm.

I guess I have nothing else to tell about this time. I'll end this post with my face, beware!

See, there's the new blue lenses :)
So, thank you for reading! Comments are very welcome. Post suggestions are even more welcome ♥

Ps. I bought also Xbox 360 couple of weeks ago and Fallout 3! Oh god I love that game! Oh, the title of this post refers to it hehe



*basic apology for not blogging*
...Yeah it has been a small eternity since I updated. I've just had huge lack of inspiration for blogging.

But let's see what has happened in my life.... nothing much? I graduated from high school and didn't get any studying place but blahblah enough of that subject. 

Maybe something worth blogging would be that I dyed my hair. Pink this time. Koichi inspired. Yay! 

boo sorry pretty crappy pic

But yeah I have nothing else to say, this update was somekind of sign of life.
I will try to  update more often from now on.

Thanks for reading



I've been planning to blog for over a week but I've been lazyass and haven't managed to do it.
So anyway, last weekend (23.-24.3.) I went just to chill to Tampere Kuplii. The event itself is boring as balls, but I had fun with my friends, yay!
On saturday I bothered to do my hair and makeup properly but on sunday I went there looking like a hobo. 
Outfit of saturday and some face-pics:

Sorry that's kinda crappy pic...

And I got my first BLACKMORAL thing!!  Ansku was such a sweetheart and sold me this! I'm so happy!

And as you might already know, the GazettE is having a world tour this year and the final is in Helsinki, Finland!!! I'm so excited and I still can't believe that it's really happening! I'm going to see my fav band !! Ermahgerd!
We celebrated that with friends on saturday, and I had lots of fun. (my tweets were probably rather interesting that night) ´. I don't really have pics from that night. But yeah, I had fun! Biggu maccu and wiggly french fry... HMM

But yeah my finals are over and next week my highschool will also basically end. Yahoo!
But I guess that was all this time.
Thanks for reading and feel free to comment ♥